Sunday, 5 December 2010

back in the UK

The familiar bump of plane wheels on tarmac. 29th November.

5:30 a.m.

What would normally be conceived by any normal human being as 'a bit early'.

Not however if you've spent the past three months waking up at 5 a.m to go to a church service, or, Devotions, as the locals liked to call them. Presumably calling something by such a title as 'devotion' would convey a sense that you wanted to attend it. Indeed, why wouldn't you want to devote every ounce of your soul to a theistic service at 5 a.m every week-day morning? Namely, because you're tired, the temperature is beginning its inexorable rise to 35+ degrees, and you're as devoted to religion as you are, say, catching plague.

I digress. That's all over. The UK and border control are calling. I'd be glad to be back, if it wasn't for my returning to unemployment, no fixed abode, and it being freezing. The icy daggers sticking into me as I step off the plane become my most immediate concern, pushing the fact that I'd rather be in Africa to the back of my mind for the time being. It's soon to be December, there's snow on the ground, and I don't belong here.

Border control checks my passport and sends me through to baggage collection. It helps none towards feeling like I belong in the UK, but at least I'm legal. Everything in the UK will be the same, and although I don't feel like 3 months has particularly changed me, I do feel that I'd rather be in Malawi, enjoying my simple life of teaching English and music, living with friends and savoring Africa Time.

This Is Africa (TIA), no more. Trouble is, I'm not sure what I now want "This" to be do I want 'this' to be? I feel overwhelmingly obliged to start living responsibly, cut daytime TV out of my life, end my infatuation with "the woman off Countdown", and start proper. Although I also feel like I want to start Uni all over again.

Cheers Malawi, its been fun.
Cue job sites, McJobs and Guideline Daily Allowances. Where did 3 months go?

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